Patient Testimonials & Reviews of Dr. Nada (Paediatric Surgeon)
Dr. Nada Sudhakaran is a consultant Paediatric Surgeon & Urologist providing specialized children surgery based in Petaling Jaya & Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
He specialises in reconstructive paediatric surgery, with a special interest in Minimally Invasive Surgery (Laparoscopic or Keyhole Surgery).
He practices at Pantai, Prince Court and Tung Shin hospitals (KL) as well as Sentosa hospitals (Klang).
He treats patients both across Malaysia, especially in Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya, as well as Singapore & Indonesia.
This is what some of his past patients have to say about him in their own words…
Kevin & Lily
father & daughter
My name is Kevin and this is our adorable little daughter, Lily. Today I want to share with you a remarkable and positive experience that we had with minimally invasive surgery and this gave Lily the opportunity to be the normal, happy, healthy baby she is today.
Unfortunately, Lily was diagnosed with a condition known as Duodenal Atresia, and this is where her stomach and small intestine are not properly connected. As I’m sure you can imagine it was an extremely stressful time for us as parents, particularly because Lily couldn’t feed, she couldn’t take on any milk and she required the use of an intravenous drip at that time.
However, thanks to Dr. Nada and the option of using minimally invasive surgery (keyhole), we were able to find a solution that I genuinely believe had the best outcomes for Lily, medically and for her own physical and mental wellbeing.
One of the advantages that we saw with our own eyes was that she experienced minimal pain using the surgery. The procedure required only three tiny incisions. It looked like lines and the marks are barely noticeable on her body. We hope that with an application of a simple cream, those scars will essentially disappear.
Post operation Lily’s recovery was really remarkable. Instead of her worrying about pain from a big cut, she was actually very content and she could just focus on getting better, practicing her feed feeding. The surgery appears to have had no impact on the rest of her body, such as any internal organs or her spine.
We can’t thank Dr Nada enough for his expertise and compassion and the way in which he kept us fully informed at all steps of the process.
Finally, we’re just so grateful for this opportunity to share our experience with all of you. Minimally invasive surgery truly made a significant difference in Lily’s life, and we hope that it can make a difference in many more lives of other children in Malaysia.
Once again, a big thank you to you, Dr Nada, and from a happy healthy Lily – bye!
Boy Wuyardi
Father (Indonesia)
Hello, my name is Boy, I am from Indonesia and I would like to tell a bit about my child’s illness history. I made this video as a testimony, thank you to Dr. Nada from Pantai Hospital, Malaysia, who performed surgery on my child, and until now my child has successfully recovered.
In 2019, when my child was around four years old, she suffered from a very serious stomach pain every time she ate. Because of this pain, we took her to a hospital in Indonesia and there she was diagnosed with a disease in her digestive tract. The doctor in Indonesia said that this disease is quite rare and not all children get this disease. Finally, we decided to seek treatment outside Indonesia, we chose Malaysia based on the recommendation of several people we know.
We got a recommendation to go to Pantai Hospital in Kuala Lumpur. There we met Dr. Nada, a Paediatric surgeon and specialist in the disease suffered by my child, and Dr. Nada gave us information that my child’s disease is a cyst, more precisely a Choledochal cyst. The only solution given by Dr. Nada was to perform surgery.
Although initially we just wanted to get a second opinion, we decided to have surgery with Dr. Nada at Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur. We were quite anxious because the operation took quite a long time, about eight hours. After eight hours, Dr. Nada gave us the news we were waiting for, the operation was 100% successful.
Although we were still worried about what would happen after the surgery, we decided to stay in Malaysia for a few weeks to ensure my child’s care went well. After everything was finished, we returned to Indonesia.
Four years later, now we can provide a testimonial. My child has recovered from his disease, the operation results were very good and there were no issues that arose from the previous disease. We are very grateful for the results of the operation and are very thankful to Dr. Nada who performed the surgery. Hopefully, my child’s condition remains good until she grows up.
Thank you Dr. Nada, always be successful.
Jennifer Mary Ann
Very caring and passionate surgeon. I was worried about my child’s condition and msg to his page on the night, he replied to me promptly and advised me on what to do. he also scheduled an appointment very next morning
He very calmly listens to complaints and explains everything thoroughly… also good with children. Highly recommended peads surgeon.

Sophia Phang
Dr. Nada is a indeed a very caring and reliable doctor. He is committed to the ensuring the needs of his patients are met. He takes the time to address and reassure the parents’ concern. I know at time, it can be daunting and stressful to hear all of these medical terms that are not familiar to us who are not in the medical field.
However, Dr. Nada has always taken the time to explain to us. He never rushes our appointments and he takes time to get to know his patients. I don’t think I can trust any other pediatric surgeon other than Dr. Nada.
Although our son no longer needs to be under Dr. Nada’s care, Dr. Nada continues to be accessible to our family whether its via phone, email, or even FB for consultation.
For that, I am very thankful. I do not know of many other doctors who are so dedicated to their patients as Dr. Nada. Thank you for being such a wonderful doctor.

Intan Nattrah
We had a Wonderful experience with Dr Nada. He was a great surgeon, and the staff (Pantai Hospital,KL) was always helpful and kind.
They ensured my son had a smooth prep, surgery & follow-up. It’s rare to find a doctor that combines such personal touches and care for a patient as a person with outstanding quality of medical care.
I highly recommend becoming his patient!

Wen Li Lim
Highly recommend this doc. He is a very kind hearted, patience, friendly, caring and professional. We definitely need more good doctors like you ??

Crystal Tan Hooi Ching
We’ve never met a specialist doctor as patient and kind as Dr. Nada, we sought a second opinion from him and avoided an unnecessary surgery for our toddler. Each visit was conducted professionally, with patience, kindness and sincerity. Highly recommended! ❤️

Raghav Mani
Father (Appendicitis)
My son 7 years old has undergone a keyhole surgery in the care of doctor nada for appendicitis.
Being a parent me & my wife were really worried this young age is it really required to be operated. Doctor nada help us in clarifying on our queries, explained us the operation procedures.
Doctor Nada made a good rapport with my son and took a good caring and also advised us on the queries post the surgery after discharge.
Thank you doctor Nada.
Yee C.P
Mother (Appendicitis)
My son is 6 years old this year. Two weeks ago, 20/10/20, because of constant vomiting, I took him to the general clinic to see a doctor. The doctor diagnosed that he had eaten the wrong thing. The next day, he still vomited, had a stomachache and had a slight fever. He went to another clinic and said he had intestinal inflammation.
On the third day, he did not get better, so he took him to a pediatric specialist. The doctor said that he should go to the hospital for appendicitis. The doctor gave me DR.NADA’s phone number and letter of introduction to the hospital.

After seeing DR.NADA and doing ultrasound in the hospital, he was diagnosed with appendicitis and ruptured. The doctor immediately ordered him to perform the operation at night. DR.NADA explained that the operation uses the laparoscopic method, which can alleviate the huge pain that the child must endure. The operation took about an hour and a half.
The next day, my son recovered well, the wound was small and he would not feel very painful. He was discharged after 5 days in the hospital.
Return to the clinic 1 week after discharge to allow DR.NADA to evaluate the child’s surgical wound and discuss the results of the appendix analysis sent to the laboratory.
Thank you very much for DR.NADA’s help, thank you for your excellent work. I am very, very grateful.
Puthut Kariwibowo
Father (Appendicitis)
On 24th July 2019 while I was living in Kuala Lumpur with my beloved family for my work, I took my 8 years old son, Hafiz Maulvi Abdul Malik to clinic in Kuala Lumpur for checking up his abdominal pain.
It was 3 days that my boy had been having a bad cold, vomiting, loss of appetite and gradually stomach illness that left him unable to walk. Based on clinic’s doctor observation my boy had suspect symptoms of appendicitis, so the doctor suggested me to straight away send him to Prince Court Medical Centre for further treatment.
Once abdominal ultrasound scan done, he was diagnosed with appendicitis and a ruptured case at that. The doctor recommended me to see Dr Nada who is a Paediatric Surgeon and Urology specialist in Prince Court Medical Centre. After seeing Dr Nada, the surgery decision shall be conducted immediately at that time to avoid the severe condition on my boy since he was feeling severe pain in his stomach which become sharper even if he didn’t move his body.

Finally, Dr Nada undertook keyhole surgery and did excellent work on my boy. It took longer time (more than 2 hours) that allowed for washing and cleaning up inside of my boy’s abdomen due the pus has spread up to his liver. After successful completion of surgery, the condition of my little boy began to gradually improve well. The result of surgery by the ‘keyhole’ technique that looked like the wound was very small and painless of post-surgery.
After the surgery, Dr. Nada frequently visited to take care of my boy and gave him an intravenous antibiotics treatment that targeted for bacteria due to spreading of pus. My little boy was discharged and went home in 5 days later.
Now Hafiz is in good health and cheerful. Alhamdulillah, I’m very grateful and thank you Dr Nada for all your help.
Yvonne Teh
Mother (Inguinal Hernia)
Thank you! Dr. Nada. This is my wholehearted gratitude.
We rarely see the examples of newborn baby girl with inguinal hernia. Unfortunately, my two-months-old daughter is one of them.
On 24 of November 2014, I was surprised to discover the protrusion of my baby right groin after she cried. In the next morning, I contacted you via email and I was glad to receive your immediate response, and able to make an appointment with you to take a look on my daughter at hospital on the same afternoon.

From your professional analysis, my husband and I have a better understanding on the etiology and treatment of inguinal hernia. While we are aware that inguinal hernia cannot recover by self-healing and it is potentially to incarcerate at any time, which will cause organ necrosis and life-threatening. Thus, we have decided to let our baby underwent the laparoscopic surgery.
Waiting is always suffer. Fortunately, you able to schedule the operation for my daughter on 28 of November 2014 from your tight schedule. Within 2 weeks, my baby was recovered and her returned smiles is the best happiness and satisfaction to us.
Lastly, thanks for the recommendation from the feature writer, Mr. Ong Eng Leong, of Long Life Magazine. With that, my daughter was lucky to meet such a professional and caring doctor like you.
Crystal Tan
Mother (Undescended Testes)
I must say that Dr. Nada set a really good impression from the first moment that we met him today. He was friendly and patient with my child, and even more so with us parents who were very anxious with our child’s condition.

He extremely patiently took the time to sit with us and explain about what undescended testes, retractile and ascending testes is, and tried to answer our doubts, despite us asking repeatedly due to various opinions.
He was pragmatic and did not immediately suggest surgery to fix our child’s condition, but rather, took the time to assess all the records that we brought with us from prior doctors.
Thank you so much Dr. Nada for your time, patience and warm smile!
Mr Lim
Father (Hirschsprungs)
Lauren Cu
Mother (Hirschsprungs)
Dr Nada attended to my child’s surgery. A very kind hearted surgeon. Two years ago, my child Zelene Lim was diagnosed with Hirschsprungs disease – leaky intestines. It is a rare condition that causes congenital pain since birth.

Dr Nada provided detailed information on the disease. I am saying this not because he attended to my child’s case. But instead he was willing to help us by accepting my son’s case when some surgeons as far as Penang and Singapore had turned us down. He advised us to fly in to Kuala Lumpur as soon as possible, if my child’s condition allows her to travel.
I am thankful that my child has since recovered and thank you Dr. Nada for his concern and commitment.
Coco Lee
Mother (Hirschsprungs)
I met Dr. Nada through a HD parent Mr. Stephen, when my son was 8 months old, he is a DS child and he diagnosed HD when he was born.

Dr. Nada is a very loving kindness person, he share a lot of knowledge and information with us, he also help my son to reduce a lot of pain and abdominal problems.
I hope he keep it up to help more people and found a solution to help more HD patients. Thank you Dr. Nada.
Zeti Ain Gibbs
Mother (duplex kidney)
Thank you Dr Nada for keyhole surgery for my baby girl Emily Gibbs few years back, she is healthy now, and her tummy area looks like she never had a surgery before.

You always very helpful, very informative every time we come for Emily’s check up. Me and my husband forever grateful for what you have done for our daughter. Hope you have a good day doctor ?
Marion Fages
Mother (Appendicitis)
Hello, I am Liloïa, I am 10 years old and two weeks ago I had my appendix taken out by DR Nada with keyhole surgery. This was on a Monday, it happened very quickly, only 4hours after arriving at ER I was going to surgery. On Tuesday, Dr Nada agreed to discharge me and sent me home.

After that my surgery recovered pretty well until a girl jumped on my wound from height 10 days after surgery. My wound bleed and hurt but on the next day I had a big important athletics competition and Dr Nada gave me green light to go. I didn’t practice for 2months (had knee problem before), had that surgery 10days before and still managed to win 3 gold medals ? ??(400m, 200m and 100m relay against 7 other runners from different schools).
Thanks a lot Dr Nada for your help, for your amazing job, for being available and listening to me. I am very very grateful.
Khairul & Alia
Father & Mother (Tongue Tie)
Monica Nigam Sachdeva
Mother (Appendicitis)
In June 2019, while on a vacation from India to KL, my daughter Vanya, 9 years old, complained of severe abdominal pain and was restless for a full day. Being in a new country, we were clueless as to how to handle the situation. Upon advise from a friend who stayed in KL for a while, we took her to Emergency at Pantai Hospital, where the On call Doctor on preliminary examination confirmed appendicitis and referred us to Dr. Nada.

Despite it being a Sunday, Dr. Nada was with us within a couple of hours and patiently explained us the entire process of how Laparoscopic surgery will help Vanya in the best possible way. The very same evening she was operated upon.
Dr. Nada took personal care of my daughter and cooled up our anxieties as the next day we had our flight back to India. His calm demeanour and giving a keen ear to our queries gave us strength to overcome all apprehensions we had in that emergency situation in a foreign land. With his expert handling of the situation, Vanya showed a speedy recovery and next day he gave us a go ahead to fly back.
I thank Dr. Nada for everything he did and wish him all the best. All his patients are very lucky to have him as their doctor?
Chitra Vijayan
Thank you for your wonderful care . Appreciate the professionalism and caringness in you , Dr. Thank you for being there . We are blessed to have such a great doctor.

Shanti Raj Sue Yin
Mother (Inguinal Hernia)
In September 2018, I met Dr. Nada ??⚕️ who has magically removed all my son’s ?? painful and sleepless nights. He was diagnosed with inguinal hernia at 2 months old . I was very worried and scared.
At the first visit, Dr. Nada has suggested me for keyhole surgery after examined my little baby boy . I was not aware of this type of treatment before and he explained everything in detailed about the keyhole surgery and recovery in advance and I was filled with confidence. Hence , me & hubby had decided to let Dr. Nada to handle this issue without hesitation.

After having the keyhole surgery, I could not believe how much improvement on my little baby boy. The result was almost instant. Following the operation, he had very little pain, just mild discomfort only. He was discharged from the hospital, on the same day of his operation. Small surgery scars were found and almost can’t be seen on his stomach. Now my little baby boy is doing well.
Chandakala Ck
Mother (Choledocal Cyst)
First of all, I really thank the lord for blessed me and my family for get to know with Dr. Nada.
In my case, My baby girl diagnosed chronic Choledocal cyst. After surveyed few hospitals finally I and my husband heard lot of good reviews about Rr Nada and we decided to see him. From the 1st visit we have a high confidence on his service and as advised by Dr the keyhole surgery been done for my daughter in January 2020 . The surgery was really complicated and took almost 7 hours…Dr Nada is really experience doctor in Pantai Medical Centre.

He is the master of Keyhole (laparoscopic) surgery and only few doctors in Malaysia who have such skills. One of the benefits from keyhole surgery is its reduces injury to the body,because the cuts made are smaller and also much smaller scars. My girl tummy area looks like she never had a surgery before.
My daughter is absolutely fine after the surgery. Dr Nada was taking care my daughter in hospital with full of Love and Care which made my family praised him. Even though it’s has been already few months but Dr Nada still keep in touch on my baby girl’s progress.
Dr.Nada is a such a humble and wonderful person who really understand the needs of the parents who have problems with their kids.
For my family, he is the divine! We will be forever grateful for him May God bless you always…Dr…thank you.
En. Hafizi
Father (Tongue Tie)
My son had a tongue-tie problem since he was born. He went through a treatment by Dr. Nada at Pantai medical hospital.
We would like to say thank you for you doctor and to your team for your excellent treatment. We are very happy and satisfied because you explained to us from A-Z, gave us advice and moral support before the procedure began. Yes! I believe that he’s amongst the best doctor.
So if you guys have any problems with your kids, please do contact Dr Nada to get some advice.
Ms. Lau
Mother (Anorectal Malformation)
When my son was born in 2013, the doctor found that his anus was different from other children. He needed to do surgery immediately so that he can defecate normally, and this surgery required huge medical fee that I couldn’t afford. I was worried and afraid.
I decided to send my son to Hospital University Malaya. That was the first time I met Prof Nada. He explained in detailed to me that my son needed 3 surgeries. The first operation was to put the stoma bag to allow him to poo. The second was to create a new anus and the third surgery is to close the stoma. I was worried and fearful every time when my son underwent surgery, but every time when Dr Nada finished the surgery he came out to comfort me.
He is patient , humble and affable doctor. He always has a smile on his face. Dr Nada saved my child and gave him a new life. Now my son is six years old, he has the same bowel movement as a normal child and healthy growth.
Dr Nada is kind, professional, and an awesome, remarkable doctor. We are always grateful for everything he had done for my child.
Shalini C. Rajah
Our 11 year old son had an infection and on recommendation we approached Dr. Nada. He explained clearly the need for surgery and detailed the procedure and risks involved.
On the day of the surgery he walked us through the procedure and this help put us at ease. After the surgery, he informed us of the success of the surgery and provided the after care steps for wound healing.
We are pleased with the neatness of the surgery and the professional manner the doctor handled our son and our queries. He is now our trusted physician and we would highly recommend him.
Mr. Malfoy
When we discovered that our 2 year old daughter had a birth malformation and needed to undergo an extensive surgery, my wife and I were devastated, especially since a previous doctor told us that the chances of success for the surgery were only 70%.
Fortunately, we met with Dr Nada who was extremely professional right from the beginning, explained to us the entire process and we were reassured knowing that he was doing this type of procedure regularly.
The surgery happened a few weeks after we first met with Dr Nada. Everything went extremely well, Dr Nada was available 24/7 and followed up regularly after the surgery.
We were lucky to find him and we are extremely grateful and thankful for his help.
Anusha Vetsa
Mother (Vesico-ureteric reflux disease)
We are very much satisfied with your professional treatment and commitment towards my child.
Before consulting you, I am very much confused and worried about my daughter’s bilateral urine reflux problem. After consulting you, I am very much impressed the way you explained me about the Deflux treatment and confidence you gave me was pretty impressed.

I must appreciate and thankful to your staff also for their cooperation at the time of treatment.
I am also very happy about the concern and follow up even we are away from malaysia.
Once again we are very thankful for treatment you have done for our kid.